Free Travel Matters! 

Trusted by 1 million customers and counting

Top 10



Desert Gardens Oasis - country camping and RV park.


Salt Springs Spa

Chihuahua Desert Salt Springs Spa at Desert Gardens Oasis - Lobo, Texas


Yoga Vacations at:


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Traveling Places where you can disappear from this crazy world!


Vacation that are not boring! Challenge yourself!



About us

We share places where some form of free camping is available.

Got one? Contact us.

You will get $50.00 credit!

Property owners can advertise their place - $150.00 and orhers can use it for some form of free caping!

Let's travel!

 Sharing free places and travel services matter - it lowers your travel expences.

We always need property owners information to contact them. Share them with us and get $50.00 credit!

If they provide any form of free stay or free service - we will ask them to join us in sharing their free travel offers - $150.00 fee Contact us...

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Free travel around the globe matters!

Share the places, services with us! Get $50.00 credit! contact us...


Submit to us free travel place and get $50.00 credit!

Property owner pays $150.00

We include the property here so

Everybody gets free form of stay or travel. Thank you!

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